I came across this cake competition from hanging around Bakerella's site... this looks like such a great idea so I wanted to share it with you guys. Check it out!

Threadcakes is an online cake competition by Chris Cardinal and Threadless.com where you can turn your favorite Threadless T-shirt design into cake. Go crazy and get creative. What’s Threadless you say? Just about the most awesome online t-shirt community where you can buy shirts or even submit your own design for evaluation. Threadless will also be giving sweet prizes (to be announced soon)!
Deadline to enter: August 16th
Get all the details: Threadcakes
See the submissions so far: Threadcakes Gallery
Get all the details: Threadcakes
See the submissions so far: Threadcakes Gallery
Check out this t-shirt from the gallery (this was one of my favorites!)...
Here is the cake that was created from this design...
So cool, right?? Have you ever submitted a cake or dessert into a contest? How was it? I'd like to know...
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