Reviews And Such

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Hello cake lovers. This is a non-baking related post. I have no cake pictures to share with you (although... I have lots of baking I can't wait to do!!) It is a personal request... I want to know how you are liking your cakes/cupcakes/goodies?? I don't want to suck, I want to do well after all. 

I've been teaching myself. This entire 'business' (As a dyslexic, former art student, I still struggle to call it that) is a growing, learning experience. With your help, COTS can only get better - for everyone. 

So, all of you who have received, tasted or been a part of a Cakes On The Side cake, let me know what you thought! Feel free to comment here, or on the COTS facebook page. 

Haven't been a part of a COTS cake, but have something to say? Please share it! What would you like to see?

So come on! Give me the good, the bad and the ugly. (Although I really hope there has been no bad or ugly... but I can handle it if you think there was!)

Thanks friends,



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